
Tungsten Carbide Drill Cutting Tool Requires Constant Innovation

2012 as the global economy deteriorates, tungsten steel cutter, tungsten carbide drill bits and other cutting tools business is undoubtedly worse, hard year. This dilemma so many domestic slowdown in business development tools, domestic knives have been just blindly copying, imitation international brands, and the quality and craftsmanship have been not very good imitation, quality and innovation, enhance the brand influence, is undoubtedly an important way of life. Tool innovative ways we can three-pronged approach: three ways to the original principles of innovative materials, structural innovation, and innovative products such as functional application. For example, solid tungsten carbide drill core external high wear resistance and high toughness of the composite material, this material requires innovative solutions adapted to the outer edge of the drill bit high feed machining environments requiring high toughness core to extend the service life of the tool problems.

