
Tungsen Carbide Seal Ring Scour Way

Tungsten carbide seal ring erosion most common way is tantamount to the above three categories:
1. Back Flushing
Is back flushing chamber is sealed to the media carbide seal ring leads to the pump outlet end, carbide seal ring flush sealed cavity older media from time to time, to avoid the media particles, impurities, heavy lake, the conflict are Chi Gong damage.
2. Wash Itself
It refers to non-media or from the pump inlet to introduce under the pressure side, rinse conflict between being first access into the pump chamber. The most simple way to flush itself, but only compared to the situation with the media being noisy.
3. External Flush
Is another set of fluid system, the temperature is below the sealing medium into the sealed chamber for flushing only require flushing fluid into the selected medium does not affect product quality.

