
Metal Cutting Tool Materials Overview

Performances metal cutting tool materials should have

In metal cutting process, the cutting portion of the cutting tools bear great cutting force and intense friction under high temperatures. Intermittent cutting work is along with the shock and vibration and cause cutting temperature fluctuations. Thus, the metal cutting tool materials should have a high hardness and high wear resistance, sufficient strength and toughness, as well as a high heat resistance.

Generally, metal cutting tool materials should have a hardness of more than 60HRC at room temperature. The higher the hardness of the material is the better the abrasion resistance, but relative to the lower impact toughness. So requires metal cutting tool materials to maintain sufficient strength and toughness conditions, as far as possible to have high hardness and abrasion resistance. High heat resistance is able to maintain at high temperatures, a characteristic of the cutting tool, is usually measured with the high temperature value, and to measure the heat resistance temperature value can be allowed when the cutting of the cutting tool. It affects important indicators of metal cutting tool material cutting performance. Cutting speed, the higher the better the heat resistance of the material allows.

