
Carbide cutting tool angle reference system

Cemented carbide cutting tool angle is important parameter for determining the carbide cutting portion of the cutting tool geometry. Cemented carbide cutting tool angle for defining the respective reference coordinate plane, called the reference system. Reference system, there are two types: the tool stationary reference frame - the marked tool design, grinding and measuring benchmarks using this tool angle defined by said tool marked angle; the tool working reference system - to determine the cutting tool angles benchmark, use this tool angle defined by said tool angle.

Cemented carbide cutting tool design, label, grinding, the most common is the measured angle to the reference system of the orthogonal planes. But the label indexable cutter or a large edge inclination tool commonly used in the normal plane of reference. In the manufacturing process of carbide cutting tools such as milling cutter groove when sharpening flank, often required assuming that the work plane, the angle of the back of the plane reference system, or prior to use, followed by orthogonal plane angle of the reference system.

Carbide cutting tool angle

Carbide cutting tool angle is expressed in spatial orientation parameters carbide cutting tool surface. In the perspective of various types of reference lines on the most basic type only four, namely the anterior horn, posterior horn, declination, edge inclination angle.

