
Application of the advantages and disadvantages of the composite cemented carbide roller in the wire rod mill

Cemented carbide roller rings with high hardness, good abrasion resistance on the wire rod mill reflects the following advantages:

(1) improve the quality of steel products, the steel surface quality and tolerances been completely resolved, negative deviation control is very precise;
(2) reduce to change the tank, the roll changing times and downtime, and increase mill capacity utilization and production, the mill at the same time create greater economic benefits;
(3) to reduce the rejection rate, reduce the labor intensity of production workshop;
(4) reduce production costs, increasing efficiency of enterprises;
(5) in favor of endless rolling technology applications.

The disadvantages are: cemented carbide roller rings high hardness, brittleness, high sensitivity to crack, resulting in the maintenance more difficult, in the use of cooling water requirements, and can not withstand thermal shock, otherwise easily lead to destructive accidents. 

