
Composite Cemented Carbide Roll Pros & Cons - part1

(1)Cemented carbide roller install online, cemented carbide roller workers should carefully check the roll cooling water pipes and location, and then received special pipes up from the introduction of the hose. Hose access interface must use lead wire tied tight, to prevent shedding, roll in the cooling water status and cause serious consequences.
(2)Roll rolling process, should pay close attention to the operation state of the bearing, abnormal immediately stop and check.
(3)In order to reduce fatigue cracks, the surface of the cooling cemented carbide roller ring must be washed with water to reduce the surface of the thermal expansion. When rolling contact with the roll torus ring of the roll surface temperature up to 500-600 ° C, cooling water sprayed into the hot cemented carbide roller ring surface, will form a layer of film covering the surface of the roll ring, seriously affect the cooling effect, research that, when cooling the pressure reaches 0.5 MPa or more, the gas film is broken, and thereby improve the cooling effect. Low-speed rolling mill roll ring cooling water pressure should not be too large, to prevent the cooling water splattered not achieve the cooling effect, should ensure that the cooling water pressure 3-4Mpa 40-50 cubic meters of water / hour. The same time, in order to improve the cooling effect, the cooling water cooling water nozzle spray coverage should be a corresponding coincidence, and the outlet should be aligned with the roll ring at the outlet of the cooling water column. Cemented carbide roller rings on the acidity of the water quality there are special requirements: PH ≥ 7.2 weakly alkaline and clean.

